Friday, October 2, 2009

Exotic Tropical Fish

Exotic Tropical fish include fish found in tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and salt water species. Tropical fish are popular aquarium fish, due to their often bright coloration. Tropical fish can add beauty and serenity to their surroundings. Tropical fish are beautiful to watch, soothing, decorative, classy and educational. Tropical fish can be a fun pet to care for and a beautiful addition to your home and life. Tropical FishTropical fish are beautiful, they’re colorful, exotic. Most people think rearing tropical fish is easy. Tropical fish tanks have always been popular with the fish lovers. If you're planning to find out more about tropical fish, look no further.

Tropical fish include fish found in tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and salt water species. Tropical fish aquariums are generally preferred to be fresh water. Fishkeepers often use the term tropical fish to refer only those requiring fresh water, with saltwater tropical fish referred to as marine fish. To learn about tropical fish, begin by using a tropical fish picture dictionary.

Always consult an expert regarding proper nutrition, care, and shelter before purchasing any tropical fish. Besides starting your own tropical fish collection, you can use a tropical fish picture dictionary for several other reasons:You may want to find a picture of a creature mentioned in a newspaper story. This is dedicated to tropical fish lovers and enthusiasts.


Aquarium fish keeping has a long history and has been a relaxing hobby for centuries. Aquarium filtration is an important aspect in this regard. Aquarium equipment and accessory reviews from hobbyists who own them. Aquariums usually need care and maintenance not only in terms of equipment but also on the fish and plants put inside. Aquariums need to be well taken care of in order to be appreciated.

Aquarium heaters combine a heating element with a thermostat, allowing an aquarist to regulate water temperature at a level above that of the surrounding air, whereas coolers and chillers (refrigeration devices) are for use in cold water aquaria, or anywhere the ambient room temperature is above the desired tank temperature. Tropical fish are popular aquarium fish, due to their often bright coloration.

The ancient Chinese (Song Dynasty) is the first civilization thought to have kept aquarium fish for ornamental purposes. Hopefully, the aquarium beginner guides will help you learn the basics. Doing research before you purchase your fish will prevent you from doing really short sighted things with your aquarium, such as trying to stuff a pacu fish into a 10 gallon fish tank, cramping a goldfish in a small goldfish bowl, putting big fish into a small tank, putting small fish in with larger more aggressive species or putting multiple male betta fish in the same fish tank.

What is a protein skimmer and do you really need one on your saltwater aquarium. The latest aquarium equipment review on a relatively new protein skimmer called the Octopus 800s skimmer. This info can be important when researching corals for the home aquarium. This bubble algae can be a nuisance in saltwater aquariums.


Tropical fish include fish found in tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and salt water species. Some keep lists of fish species they have observed while diving, especially in tropical marine environments. Doing research before you purchase your fish will prevent you from doing really short sighted things with your aquarium, such as trying to stuff a pacu fish into a 10 gallon fish tank, cramping a goldfish in a small goldfish bowl, putting big fish into a small tank, putting small fish in with larger more aggressive species or putting multiple male betta fish in the same fish tank.

Whatever you fancy, we have the ideal regimen: invertebrate, carnivore or herbivore, gel-based, flake, pellet, frozen or freeze dried, or color enhancing, food can be found for any species: goldfish, discus, cichlid, betta and more. There are certain species of tropical fishes that can live really long if they are provided proper care. This requires loads of research on the different species of fishes before one actually drops them in his tropical fish tank. Cichlids Tetras Mailed Catfish Labyrinthfish Rainbowfish Detailed Information More specific and detailed information, ranging from an individual fish species to water requirements.

With the wealth of species available today it is easy to branch out and try your hand at the many different biotopes. Red Deer are the predominant species on the moors with numbers ranging from around three to four thousand individuals. Some species may be classified as exotic, or not permitted for you to keep as pets. Finding fish care and fish profile information can be challenging for those aquarium hobbyists just starting out.


Tropical fish include fish found in tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and salt water species. In freshwater fish, this coloration typically derives from iridescence, while salt water fish are generally pigmented. Along the right side is a listing of tropical fish profiles for both freshwater fish and saltwater fish.

Whether you are an aquarium fish expert or a beginner, keep freshwater fish or saltwater fish, you will find that you are in good company here. The specialty here is freshwater aquatic plants and dwarf cichlids, but you may find information on a variety of subjects.

Tanks adjacent to the southern or western exposure windows must be avoided since it can give rise to severe algal problems. Some are small, some are big and you have got to get the right fish for the right tank. Perfect nourishment and nutrition will manifest itself in your tank with healthy, active and intensely colored fish. 

The size of your tank will vary based on how many fish you will be adding and how big the fish will be. If you like to be more specific in your measurements, or you have limited space for your tank, plan for a gallon of water per one inch of fish that will occupy it. Your retailer can help you choose the system that will work best with your tank.

This requires loads of research on the different species of fishes before one actually drops them in his tropical fish tank. You can’t just go into a pet store and select arbitrary numbers of the fish that you find the most appealing – you need to invest some forethought into your tank to ensure that your fish lead happy, healthy lives. Not all tropical fish dine equally – some fish eat live food, some eat frozen food, some eat flakes, and some will eat anything but don’t rely on that last one when it’s tank-stocking time.

Whether you're establishing your first aquarium, or expanding your hobby experience with a new niche system, small aquariums make a rewarding and relaxing project. Transform your tank from pleasant to magnificent with aquarium kits, acrylic aquariums, glass aquariums and desktop aquariums.

Tropical fish aquariums are generally preferred to be fresh water. Take waste disposal for example, aquariums may not be well-equipped in taking care of the waste brought about by decomposition as well as the development of nitrites unlike in the natural underwater surroundings.


Aggressive behavior is very rare in neon tetra, but there could be several reasons why. The Cardinal Tetras enjoy a reputation for hardiness and health that we have not seen elsewhere. Tetra is a name that's become synonymous with ornamental fish since their start in Germany over 50 years ago. Tetra Tropical Fish food consists of varieties including goldfish food, marine fish food, supplements, cichlid fish food and TetraMin Fish Food.

TetraVariety flakes offer this variety in the form of four different flakes, each one based on a natural food. Tetra Plecomin is a vegetable enriched sinking tablet food, for all herbivorous tropical fish. TetraDoromin is a stick food that contains all of the goodness of Tetramin, in a form that is easy for la. Tetra Fish Auctions Tetra Fish For Sale Browse tetra fish being sold on the internet with delivery to the United States.

Tetras have adapted well to a wide range of water conditions. tetras (especially the small ones, such as the lemon, Hyphessobrycon. - Cichlids, Tetras, Loaches Danios and more are all here. This is why you will find very good information for the commonly available tropical fish in the aquarium hobby, such as Barbs, Catfish, Cichlids, Danios, Gouramis, Livebearers, and Tetras which are readily found in many local pet shops.

Tropical Fish Diseases. Get help with tropical fish diseases such as dropsy, swim bladder disorder, neon tetra disease, and other freshwater fish emergencies. Cichlids Tetras Mailed Catfish Labyrinthfish Rainbowfish Detailed Information More specific and detailed information, ranging from an individual fish species to water requirements. We've got a great selection of angels, plecos, cichlids, livebearers, tetras, and much more. From there, click on the family you would like to know more about, such as "Tetras. This is why you will find very good information for the commonly available tropical fish in the aquarium hobby, such as Barbs, Catfish, Cichlids, Danios, Gouramis, Livebearers, Tetras and Saltwater/Marine tropical fish which are readily found in many local pet shops. Aggressive behaviour is very rare in neon tetra, but there could be several reasons why. From initial set-up to ongoing maintenance, TetraCare™ is a free service that provides instant access to answers to the most common questions about aquariums.

South American Amazon species- Our truepassion, the Amazonian species ranging from simple tetras and cichlids to themost exotic Payara and Fancy Plecostomus. Our Cardinal Tetras enjoy a reputation forhardiness and health that we have not seen elsewhere.

There are a huge variety of Tetris fish, which include the Paracheirodon Axelrodi. All the Tetras belong to the family Characidae in the order Characiformes and are small freshwater fishes. Many tropical Tetra fish species are popular among aquarists, especially the species that are brightly colored and easy to care for in captivity. The most famous of the Tetra species is of course the immensely popular Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi). The Neon tetra grows no larger than 5 centimeters (2 inches). You should always keep at least 10 Neon tetra fishes together, since this is a schooling species that will feel very stressed if kept alone. Your Neon tetra will appreciate a well planted aquarium, but leave a space open for swimming. The colors of the Neon tetra will also look more vibrant against a dark substrate. The Neon tetra can live in acidic water as well as in a slightly alkaline environment, so anything from pH 5. Getting a Neon tetra to eat in captivity is definitely not hard and you should strive to avoid over feeding. 

An example of a less well-known tropical Tetra fish species is the Congo tetra, Micralestes interruptus. This Tetra is not as sturdy as the Neon tetra and frequent water changes are very important since this species is sensitive to poor water conditions. The aquarium where you house your Congo tetra must also be equipped with sufficient circulation. The Congo tetra is peaceful but can be a little skittish and nervous. You can make your Congo tetra less shy and decrease the stress by decorating the aquarium in a way that creates plenty of hiding spots. The Congo tetra should be kept with at least five other Congo tetras, preferably even more. Aggressive and bullying fish can make the Congo tetra very stressed. The Congo tetra will stay stronger in slightly acidic water, but can tolerate anything from pH 6 to pH 7. Wild Congo tetra is found in the warm waters of the Zaire river basin on the African continent, and your Congo tetra will therefore appreciate a water temperature in the 23-26° C (73º -79º F) range. Soft water is best, but a healthy Congo tetra will usually adapt to harder conditions as well. A third example of an interesting tropical Tetra fish species is the Serpae tetra (Hyphessobrycon eques). This fish has a very beautiful red coloration and is therefore also known as Blood characin, Jewel tetra, Red serpa and an abundance of other names that all alludes to the decorative red color. Bleeding Heart Tetra Care: Even though most tetras live in open water they still need some protected areas in the tank to be happy.

Water: For most tetras, slightly acidic water with a pH of around 6. Behavior: Most tetras are schooling fish and will not show their normal behavior patterns or colors unless the are kept in groups. Larger fish species that lay claim to territories, especially the cichlids, should be avoided as they dominate the tank and would not mind a tetra snack. An ideal community for the Characins is made up of tetras, rasboras and some catfish from the Corydoras family.

The Tetras do not engage in any type of brood care, but simply deposit their eggs on plants or scatter them around the tank. There are numerous species that are referred to as tetras, including the very popular neon and cardinal tetras. Other popular types include rasbora tetras, black skirt tetras and head-and-tail light tetras. Tropical Fish: Cardinal Tetra A collection of articles on tropical fish care and breeding, including pictures and videos of popular aquarium fish. The cardinal tetra is probably the world's favorite tropical fish in terms of numbers kept. I doubt if there is a hobbyist in the world who has not, at some point in time, kept cardinal tetras.

Most tetras will fade in color if they are stressed or uncomfortable with their surroundings. Larger tetra species such as buenos aires tetras, congo tetras, serpaes and others can be mixed with quite large tank mates. The Bleeding Heart Tetra: is a hardy, peaceful, schooling species that should be kept in groups of six or more. The Neon Tetra was the first wild-caught fish that really set the tropical fish hobby into a dither, and contributed much to establishing the "tropical" fish hobby. Breeding Tetras Tetras are egg scatterers that do not tend their eggs or fry and so a separate spawning/fry tank is needed. They are one of the most beautiful fish to keep in a fresh water community, very high end for Tetras and also a bit expensive but worth it.

The most important thing about Congo Tetras, and most tetras for that matter, is to keep them in schools. True, Congo Tetras are very hardy and can survive alone. I have a male and female congo in a mixed tetra and discus tank and they seem fine just as a pair. Whether you are looking for specific aquarium items such as the Tetra X Large Bio Bag, Tetra Whisper Filter, Tetra Aquarium UV Sterilizers and more, you will always find what you need at www. Keeping your aquarium clean and conditioned is an important part of pet care, and with the Tetra Test Kits, Tetra Algae Control, Tetra Biological Additives, Tetra Water Clarifiers and Tetra Water Conditioners, you can always be assured that your pet’s habitat is clean and safe. Your pet’s comfort is our best interest, and our selections of Tetra Aquarium Heaters and Tetra Reptile Heaters help you provide your pet with the most comfortable, sustained heating environment.

Designed to meet your aquarium’s air pump requirements, the Tetra Air Pumps, Tetra Impellers and Tetra Whisper Air Pump provide the perfect complement to your Tetra Aquarium. Replacement parts are a cinch to find, with our selection of Tetra Air Pump Parts and TetraTec Air Pump Parts. Just as the Tetra Whisper Power Filter makes filtering your aquarium easier and more convenient, the Tetra ReptoFilter, a quality Tetra Reptile Filter, provides the filtering capacity essential for caring for reptiles.

Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find neon tetras at fish stores that are not infected with the neon tetra disease. The cardinal tetra is a good alternative to the neon tetra. Slightly bigger than its blue cousin, the cardinal tetra is bright red down the length of its body. These tetras also like to school and will do well in a community fish tank.

Serpae tetra are sometimes called jewel tetras due to their sparkling appearance and vibrant coloration. These tetra tropical fish do well in a group and can become fin nippers if stressed. This tetra's name comes from the long black fin on the lower half of its body.

The bleeding-heart tetra is named for the bright spot of red on its side. Other than that spot and the high dorsal fin, this tetra species is beige or silver. Like other tetras, this fish likes being kept in a school.

The congo tetra is a great fish for many community tanks. It is large for a tetra making it ideal where smaller fish may become lunch. It's metalic finish gives it a strong presence, especially when grouped with other congo tetras as a school. Like many other tetras they are not difficult to breed. Congo tetras should be available from most medium to large sized fish shops. If not you may choose to shop for your tetra online. Congo tetras will tolerate strong aquarium lighting which will also help to enhance their appearance. Feed congo tetras with tetra food or a general purpose flake.

It is recommended that you do not mix your serpae tetra fish with neon tetra fish because serpae tetra fish can be a bit too aggressive for the neon tetra fish to handle. The Neon tetra is one of the most popular fish species among novice aquarists since it is sturdy, adaptable and. If this red coloration extends only halfway to the nose of the fish, you know that it is a Neon tetra. If the red coloration instead extends much longer, you are looking at a Cardinal tetra. Similar to the Neon Tetra in color this fish differs in that it has a broader spectrum of colors.

Their are so many beautiful species of tetras on the market, mainly hailing from South America, that it makes perfect sense to incorporate them into your tropical fish tank. Use half dose for scale-less and delicate fish such as Clown Loaches and Neon Tetras. When choosing tetra fish for starting up your aquarium, choose those with round; large bodies over the thin, torpedo shaped ones such as neon tetras as these tend to be hardier. choosing tetra fish for starting up your aquarium, choose those with round; large bodies over the thin, torpedo shaped ones such as neon tetras as these tend to be hardier. I love the glowlights (well, I love all the tetras. Search Neon tetras, Paracheirodon simulans in their natural habitat Video Paracheirodon simulans, neon tetras in their natural habitat.

Some species may be classified as exotic, or not permitted for you to keep as pets. Many people have been known that exotic tropical fish are booming and well-liked, especially in USA now. Yet, many of the aficionados don’t know that actually there are many problems that can be triggered from the exotic tropical fish. Nevertheless, the exotic tropical fish also bring some benefits that have been discussed. Nevertheless, exotic tropical fish is still abundant each year in a lot of fish farming businesses due to the economical benefits. It is also inhumane because most of the exotic tropical fish imported will die soon after they have been exposed to a harmful environment. After the exotic tropical fish is introduced to a novel environment, it will either die or live adequately long to cause harmful alterations to a native fish community. The problems connected with exotic tropical fish import include change of the natural energy flow in aquatic ecosystems, competition with the native species to the area, unpredictability of the recently imported fishes. You should keep in mind that many of exotic tropical fish are carrier of various illnesses and detrimental parasites. The detrimental things caused by the exotic tropical fish are exactly the things that make the fish import is controversy.

There is much more to breeding guppies, some of which not everyone will decide to follow. But, keep in mind that the breeder that has these fish for sale has been working on this strain for quite some time using a process of “line-breeding” to keep the strain as nice looking and pure as possible. Don’t get me wrong, some breeders have taken the average guppy from a local shop and through line breeding have developed some very beautiful show guppies. And since these tropical fish are not related genetically (at least not to my knowledge) this is known as selective breeding.

Selective breeding is when you buy your fish and you look for the traits you wish to have in the offspring in the breeding stock you are planning to purchase. Line breeding is when you take the offspring from this group of breeders and mate them back to the original breeding group. For example, you would take the female offspring and mate them back to the male of the original group (father to daughter), or you take a pair of males and breed them back to the original female that they came from (very accurate record keeping is needed for this method of breeding sons back to mother). By breeding the daughters back to the father you have a much higher chance of seeing the desired traits. You also pull out any deformed fish as well since these would not make for good breeding stock in the future.

Sexing and Breeding: Sexing- Females are larger than the males, and grow larger as they bacome full of eggs. Author of numerous books and articles about discus breeding, health care and artificial raising discus fry. A discus hatchery specializing in artificial breeding (80%). An angelfish hatchery producing healthy Angelfish with excellent conformation, finnage, and color through selective breeding, a rich diet and plenty of regular water changes.

Barbs and Danios can be recognized by the small Barbels at the corners of the mouth, but sometimes you have to look very close to see them. Barbs and Danios are often confused with the similar looking Characins, but unlike the Characins, they never have an adipose fin between the Dorsal and Caudal fins. Barbs and Danios do not engage in brood care after laying their eggs. Barbs are omnivorous and do best on a varied diet. Barb fry are often numerous and grow fast, so make sure you've got plenty of space for them. Barbs may be seen as a beginner's fish, but don't let that fool you into thinking they're nothing to get excited about. Barbs are a family of fish which are found in every continent except South America.

Tiger Barbs -These handsome stripy silver fish are also available in a green variety. Tiger barbs are great for home aquariums. Tiger barbs are quite nippy and aggresive and in a small tank they will become more stressed and are liable to aggravate any other tankmates. Tiger barbs originate in parts of southeast Asia, including Borneo and Sumatra. Tiger barbs are egg layers and have eggs in them always. Tiger Barbs (Barbus tetrazona) lay eggs that are fertilised outside the body.


An ideal community for the Characins is made up of tetras, rasboras and some catfish from the Corydoras family. Several hundred Corydoras species are not yet classified by science, but kept by aquarists. Though all Corydoras species are diurnal, most exhibit some level of activity during the nighttime. Corys and plecos, in particular, seem to love Tropical Algae Wafers like the Hikari Algae Wafers, which are high in stabilized vitamin and nutrients. Corys typically measure around three to seven centimeters in.

Corys typically measure around three to seven centimeters in length when fully grown, they get along well with other species and are not at all aggressive. Corys are bottom feeders, so they should be offered flake foods, which do sink, sinking pellets, sinking tablets and supplements of live and frozen foods. Don't keep corys with fish that nip fins as they can find the dorsal fins irresistible. It is recommended to keep Corys in groups of six or more, as they are shoaling fish.

Tropical fish include fish found in tropical environments around the world, including both freshwater and salt water species. Tropical fish are popular aquarium fish, due to their often bright coloration. Tropical fish kept for home aquaria include the following:Wild-caught specimens. Tropical fish can add beauty and serenity to their surroundings. Tropical fish are beautiful to watch, soothing, decorative, classy and educational. Tropical fish can be a fun pet to care for and a beautiful addition to your home and life. Tropical fish tanks have always been popular with the fish lovers.

If you decide to begin keeping tropical fish, you are embarking on a journey that includes bringing new pets into the house and beginning an exciting new hobby. Since there are many varieties of tropical fish to choose from and information abounding about each one, you will quickly become immersed in a hobby that is interesting, educational and fun. Once you have selected your aquarium, you will need to think about how you are going to keep your water clean for your tropical fish. With a little research and plenty of love and care your tropical fish can thrive and you will be able to enjoy them for quite some time.